I am often asked, how long will it take me to get fit?  I always answer the same, in six weeks I promise you will notice a difference.  It is six weeks into the new year and those who started with their resolutions  should be noticing a difference.  We had two new people who wanted to start to gain fitness in the New Year and both are coming up to six weeks.  They both have greatly improved their aerobic fitness and are exercising more and feeling fitter and healthier.  Although in the first six weeks you may not lose weight, and it isn’t our primary goal, our two new starters have lost well over a stone in weight between them.
I don’t know why the six week rule applies but I just know by experience that it does!  So if you have kept up your new year’s resolutions well done you should be noticing a benefit.  If you haven’t kept to your exercise plan it is probably because you have been exercising too hard and getting tired.  The body’s natural reaction to this is to tell you to stop!  It is easy for an exercise professional to train you too hard, what is needed and takes expereince is to train at the right aerobic level for you.  With comfortable training you will be able to slowly increase the amount of exercise you do.  It is the time you exercise for, not the intensity, which early in your fitness plan is where all the benefits lie.   Train comfortably and  you just never know how far you will improve your fitness and health.
Start now and in six weeks and you will start to feel the benefits as the warm, spring weather arrives, perfect timing….